Building a Solid Team
25 September 2018
PAD Team Building
Papuan representatives from several departments and contractors recently attended a Papuan Affairs Division team-building workshop designed to help Papuan employees improve their competence and skills.
Held at the MP-21 Reclamation area, the team building and outbound activities were designed to develop group performance by collaborating on various tasks that improve social relations and provide clear definitions of individual roles.
"The team building and outbound activity was held to help everyone understand the current business challenges," said Frans Pigome, Vice President-Papuan Affairs Division. "In the future, there will be many changes that everyone in this company must be prepared to face. No matter the situation, we have to understand and prioritize business appropriately."
Team building is one of PAD's organizational development targets, and it is expected that Papuan employees who participated in the workshop will apply the knowledge in their daily work, Pigome said.
"When the company is in difficult conditions, we must be at the forefront to defend this company," Pigome told the group. "Whatever the consequences, we must be a force that helps the company's business to continue. Not only for personal interests, but for the benefit of all Papuans and throughout Indonesia.
Achmad Didi Ardianto, Director-Executive Vice President-Human Resources and Security, opened the event by reminding everyone that PT Freeport Indonesia is a large company by any standards.
"We (employees) must always remember, we work in a large company. The size is not only large in Papua and Indonesia, but is considered big throughout the world," Ardianto said. "This means we have to be self-aware and the eyes of people from the outside see what is happening in this company. We must become a role model for other companies, not only in Papua and Indonesia, but also in the world."
He went on to explain the future challenges facing the company mean it is important for employees to improve the quality of their work. They must embrace self-development, which is important for intellectual and emotional strength, the ability to communicate well and for spiritual strength. He reminded employees that all the difficult challenges can be a learning experience. The key is we must be strong intellectually, emotionally and strong spiritually.
Natalia Kowenip, Foreman-FMM IMS, Daily Reports, a team-building participant and a representative of PETA (Tanah Land) said that event was useful and helpful for employees because each activity is done as a team, emphasizing the importance of clear team goals. All team members were also involved in action planning, and identifying ways to determine success and failure in achieving goals. (Hendrikus)
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