Deputy Chairperson of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives Visits PTFI Jobsite

17 January 2025

Mimika, January 16, 2025 – Deputy Chairperson of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo, visited PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI)’s operational areas in Mimika, Central Papua, on January 14-15.
Rahayu, along with Commission VI member Kawendra Lukistian and Commission XII member Rocky CHANDRA inspected the Tembagapura Highlands. Their visit included the Grasberg open pit mine, the underground mining remote control room, the ore crushing area, and the unloading station at the Grasberg Block Cave underground mine, located 1.000 meters below the surface.
Rahayu praised PTFI’s performance and the company’s commitment to developing human resources, particularly Papuan workers, into a skilled workforce. According to her, PTFI’s presence in Papua since its inception has significantly contributed to improving the lives of Papuan communities, making them healthier, more prosperous, and independent through various corporate social investment programs.
“After seeing and hearing firsthand the complexity of Freeport’s mining operations, I am incredibly proud of our nation’s children, especially the indigenous Papuans and women workers, who are actively contributing in the mining industry’s operations,” said Rahayu.

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR RI Rahayu Saraswati mengunjungi tambang bawah tanah PTFI, Selasa (14/01).
Deputy Chair of Commission VII DPR RI Rahayu Saraswati visits PTFI underground mine, Tuesday (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati berfoto bersama karyawan PTFI di tambang bawah tanah Grasberg Block Cave (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati takes a photo with PTFI workers at Grasberg Block Cave underground mine (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati mengunjungi fasilitas pendidikan SATP di Timika untuk anak-anak Papua, Rabu (15/01)
Rahayu Saraswati visits SATP education facility in Timika for Papuan children, Wednesday (15/01).
Rahayu Saraswati bersama Presdir PTFI Tony Wenas mengunjungi tambang Grasberg, Papua Tengah (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati and PTFI CEO Tony Wenas visit Grasberg mine, Central Papua (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati bersama Presdir PTFI Tony Wenas mengunjungi tambang Grasberg, Papua Tengah (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati bersama Presdir PTFI Tony Wenas mengunjungi tambang Grasberg, Papua Tengah (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati bersama Presdir PTFI Tony Wenas mengunjungi tambang Grasberg, Papua Tengah (14/01).
Rahayu Saraswati bersama Presdir PTFI Tony Wenas mengunjungi tambang Grasberg, Papua Tengah (14/01).

PTFI President Director Tony Wenas stated that during its 57 years of operation In Papua, PTFI has become an integral part of the region and will continue to grow and develop alongside the Papuan community.
“Freeport Indonesia is a part of Papua, just as the Papuan community is a part of Freeport Indonesia. Our commitment to improving the welfare of Papuans is evident, with 40% of our workforce comprising indigenous Papuans,” Tony said.
The following day, the visit continued to the Lowlands area of Timika, where Rahayu and the entourage visited several facilities: PTFI’s Reclamation and Biodiversity Center, the Taruna Papua Boarding School (SATP), the Mimika Sports Complex (MSC), and the Mitra Masyarakat Hospital (RSMM).

At the Reclamation and Biodiversity Center, Rahayu and the entourage directly observed a portion of the tailings deposit (residual sand from the ore processing) that has been transformed into areas for seasonal crops, cattle farming, forestry, and freshwater aquaculture.

“Freeport Indonesia has demonstrated its commitment to environment by managing tailings and repurposing them into productive land through various reclamation programs,” Rahayu explained. The visit continued to one of PTFI’s social investments in education, where Rahayu had the opportunity to observe SATP up close. She also expressed her admiration for the facilities and learning processes for the children.

“The boarding school facilities for elementary and secondary education built and managed by Freeport are extraordinary. Quality education is provided to Amungme, Kamoro, and five other related tribes.” She said. In addition to education, Tony explained that PTFI’s social investments also include community empowerment in socio-cultural, sports, infrastructure, health, and economic sectors.

“Our commitment to the surrounding community is evident through various extensive corporate social responsibility programs. Around Rp1,5 trillion per year is allocated for health, education, economic, and infrastructure programs, among others, and this will continue until the mine’s closure,” Tony stated.

It is worth noting that Commission VII of the House of Representatives oversees Industry and MSMEs, Tourism and Creative Economy, and Public Facilities. Commission VI handles Trade, Trade Areas, Competition Supervision, and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). Meanwhile, Commission XII focuses on Energy and Mineral Resources, Environment, and Investment.

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