30 January 2024
PT Freeport Indonesia assisted with the work of cleaning up landslide material around the grounds of Banti 2 Church.
The volume of landslide material was around 40 m3, in the form of topsoil, vegetation and weathered rock. The landslide that occurred on Saturday (20/1), at 16:50 WIT was located in Banti Village 2 Tembagapura district.
Most of the material was stuck at the foot of the slope, some mud and some stones hit the walls and roof of the church, causing 2 window panes to break. The source of the landslide was from the northern slope next to Banti 2 Church and below Tagabera hamlet.
Rehabilitation efforts were carried out immediately after PTFI received a report of a landslide from the Community Affairs Department team on duty in the Banti Village area.
Head of Banti 2 Village Deminus Natkime and KAPOLSEK Tembagapura AKP. Jevri Hengky Jeremia together with SRM PTFI, Spanus Jamang Superintendent SRM AOR#4, carried out monitoring at the incident location. The government, through the Head of Banti 2 Village, confirmed that there were no casualties in this incident.
Rolly Nelwan, Section Head, HL-Program Support, said that after the incident the Community Affairs Team immediately coordinated with the Geo Engineering & Environmental Division, to carry out an initial inspection and assessment to obtain recommendations from the Civil Geotech team.
Pramuji, Gen. Supt., Civil Geotech, said that the landslide occurred because the topsoil was saturated, associated with rain and there was a continuous flow of water from the slope. After carrying out direct studies and inspections in the field with the Community Affairs Team, the Geo Engineering-Civil Geotech Team made recommendations to make a 2.5m high embankment with a distance of 2-3m from the foot of the slope, about 15 meters long to ensure the source of water flow and divert it away. from the slope.
The PT Freeport Indonesia team deployed 1-unit CAT Excavator 320 and 2-unit CAT ADT (ADT (Articulated Dump Truck) 740 from Tembagapura assisted by the Fleet Operation & Road Maintenance Team to clear landslide material.
The leadership of the Tembagapura Kingmi Classis Church in Banti 2 Village expressed their gratitude for PTFI's response which quickly helped clean up the mud and hoped they could work together to repair the damage caused to the church and several houses affected by the landslide.
In line with Church leaders, Martina Natkime, a Women's Leader in Waa Banti Village also hopes that infrastructure development in Waa Banti village can become the attention of the Government and PTFI. Martina said that the task of developing villages around Banti must be carried out jointly by the government and companies.
Martina also invited the government and companies to discuss and unite with village heads and the community to develop infrastructure in this area as a development for the community around PT Freeport Indonesia's operations.
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