PTFI’s Copper Production Towards Net Zero-Emission
03 July 2024
As one of the world’s largest copper producers, PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has taken a leading role in accelerating the global energy transition by supplying responsibly produced copper.
To commemorate the 2024 World Environment Day, PTFI hold the “Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction” Seminar & Workshop on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at Lupa Lelah Restaurant Tembagapura, Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province.
Representatives from PTFIs' departments and divisions joining the event to discuss on certain topics related to 2050 Net Zero Emission target along with representatives from PT Vale Indonesia (PTVI); Dahlan-General Manager PTVI, Moh Amirul-Project Engineer PTVI, Azhar-Manager Engineering & Project Services at PTVI dan PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (PT AMNT); Jorina Waworuntu-Manager Environmental Compliance PT AMNT, Ahmad Yadiman-Manager Power Plant PT AMNT.
As copper plays a critical role in nearly every major technology and beneficial for billions of people around the world, PTFI is playing a leading role in accelerating the global energy transition to achieve 2050 Net Zero Emission.
Aris Raharjo, PTFI Energy Management Team Leader, revealed that in 2023, PTFI has decreased the Greenhouse Gasses emissions (GHG) to 3.38 million tons carbon dioxide equivalent per ton Copper (CO2e/tCu).
“The 2023 absolute GHG emissions decreased to 28.95% based on 2018 levels.” Aris said.
“PTFI setted the GHG emissions intensity reduction target by 30% in 2030.” Aris added.
Carl Tauran, PTFI Technical Mine Manager and EVP Site Operations added that a sustainability strategic plan to reduce the carbon emission is on going at PTFI business process.
“At PTFI, we are adopting new technology to electrifying mining equipment and implementing clean energy on the supporting technology at PTFI operations,” Carl said.
The electric locomotive, which operates in PTFI's underground mining is controlled using a remote button. This zero diesel emission technology is expected in contributing to reduction of 80.000 tons CO2 / year emission.
The implementation of Battery Electric Loader is currently developing and testing to support PTFI’s mining operations in the underground mining.
This ongoing trial plan of 'smart mining' technology will support PTFI to reduce of 45,000 tons CO2 /year emission.
Arief Wiwaha, Vice President Unit Head of Operational Safety and Environment State Owned Enterprises’s Holding Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID), appreciated PTFI's initiative to facilitate the seminar and workshop and continuously pursue emission reduction targets in the mining sector.
“To make meaningful progress, we need a holistic and integrated approach starting with mining industry. And how to collaboratively come together to pursue net zero-emission.” Arief said.
(Puspita Saraswati)
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