Responsible Mining Transitions for a Sustainable Future

07 January 2025

The shift from open pit mining to underground mining represents a significant evolution in the mining industry, meeting the dual demands of sustainability and resource efficiency. This transition, while offering reduced surface impacts, brings complex challenges that require thoughtful oversight. In Indonesia, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) serves as a cornerstone, ensuring that mining expansions are conducted responsibly and with care for the surrounding environment and communities.

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has long understood the importance of safeguarding the environment in its operations, obtaining its first approved EIA in late 1997 to support the mining activities in the Grasberg open pit mine, the underground mine, and several supporting facilities with capacity up to 300,000 tons ore per day. This document, familiarly known as EIA 300K, provided a framework to minimize the impact of mining on the local ecosystem and fostered a structured approach to resource extraction. However, with the closure of its Grasberg open pit mine in 2020, PTFI continues to strive to optimize underground mine production as part of the company’s expansion projects, introducing additional activities and facilities. These changes required a comprehensive adjustment and approval of the EIA to reflect the company’s ongoing commitment to environmental protection while addressing new operational needs.

Evolving EIA to Address Modern Needs

Three key EIA adjustments have been approved in late 2024 by the Minister of Environment and Forestry to ensure PTFI’s transition aligns with sustainable practices:

  1. Main Activities to enhance Underground Mining Operations, include the increase production of Grasberg Block Cave (GBC) underground mine to 160,000 tons per day, Kucing Liar production to 100,000 ton per day, and Big Gossan production to 7,000 tons per day as well as improving tailings management by maintaining the height of the embankment. Production for the Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ) for 80,000 tons per day was previously approved in the Environmental Evaluation Document (DELH).
  2. Support Activities to optimize Limestone Mining and Factories to increase production, inert waste landfills at Mile Post 71, retrieval of construction materials at Adonara, new road accesses and bridges at Mile Post 40-Mile Post 46, a 168 MW Gas Engine Power Plant (PLTMG) at Portsite.
  3. Emission Reduction Plan to transition to cleaner energy sources, by taking a bold step toward sustainability involving reducing dependency on coal by replacing the Coal Steam Power Plants (PLTU) with 267 MW Gas and Steam Power Plants (PLTGU). Additionally, the construction of the Tailings Aggregate Material (MAT) utilization facility will streamline waste recycling and significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions, positioning PTFI as a leader in environmentally conscious mining practices.

Fostering a Responsible Approach to Mining

Each decision reflected in the EIA adjustments showcases PTFI’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the well-being of the five (5) local communities in the Lowlands and three (3) valley communities in the Highlands that are impacted, including the landscapes around its operations. Careful planning and innovation ensure that progress is achieved without compromising the environment or future generations’ ability to thrive.

This approach is further reinforced by the company’s attention to detail and respect for every aspect of the mining process—from minimizing emissions and modernizing facilities to protecting biodiversity and engaging with local communities. These efforts demonstrate a thoughtful balance between meeting operational goals and safeguarding natural resources.

Related to the EIA adjustments and revisions, Ardhin Yuniar, Senior Vice President of Geoengineering & Environmental-PTFI explained "In the EIA process, respect was shown in every aspect of the preparation and interaction with the local communities and the Government involved.  Revisiting and updating our plans required the integrity of the whole team involved to complete the EIA process,”

PTFI’s adjustment to EIA highlights a thoughtful approach to growth and environmental responsibility. From reimagining mining techniques to embracing cleaner energy and modern facilities, PTFI has shown that progress can coexist with care for the environment.

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