Safety as a Value
31 January 2022
As a leading copper mining company, PT. Freeport Indonesia always puts safety at work as a top priority in its mining operations.
Kicking off 2022, PT Freeport Indonesia remains committed to carrying out this main priority by continuing to develop and implement safety programs such as Safety Accountability Program (SAP), Fatality Risk Management (FRM) and their measuring tools.
One of the safety programs that is currently highly emphasized by PT. Freeport Indonesia through the Occupational Health & Safety Division to all employees is the FRM (Fatality Risk Management) program. This program aims to prevent accidents when employees are carrying out their duties.
PTFI's work safety programs have been implemented quite well. And has helped reduce accidents, but it is undeniable that work accidents still occur.
Several things that may be the cause of these accidents are unsafe behavior. For example, when employees do "short-cut" or take shortcuts when doing a job. Or when a job is done too often, it has become a routine so that employees do not following the steps that are the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Even small things like these can have a big impact towards our safety.
Safety as a value is part of PTFI's core values which we know as SINCERE (Safety, Integrity, Commitment, Respect, Excellence). In fact, Safety is one of the three focused behaviors, namely: Safety, Collaboration and Empowerment. Safety value cannot stand apart from the other four values, Integrity, Commitment, Respect and Excellence. Thus, as individuals carrying out the safety programs, we show attitudes of respect for ourselves (Respect value) and respect for others in maintaining work safety.
As employees who have behavior based on company values (SINCERE) and holding it in carrying out all company programs, especially safety programs to avoid accidents that should not have happened.
Certainly, without integrating the four other values with the Safety value, we will not get the best result in implementing or carrying out our Safety programs in protecting ourselves and our co-workers.
In 2022, let's make Safety value as part of our soul in doing our work to achieve sustainable production (Sustainability Production).
( Article by: Yan Pieter Sibarani )
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