Sephia Jangkup: The Journey of the First Amungme Woman to Earn a Doctor Degree
10 January 2025
Sephia Chrisila Jangkup, a 24-year-old woman from the Amungme tribe, was born in Kampung Aroanop in the highland region of Mimika. As the recipient of the Amungme and Kamoro Community Empowerment Foundation (YPMAK) scholarship, sponsored by the Binterbusih Foundation, Sephia completed her undergraduate medical program at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) in 2023. At the beginning of this year, Sephia proved that big dreams can be achieved through perseverance, dedication, and support from various parties. She has successfully completed a two-year professional program as a co-assistant, a significant step towards realizing her dream of earning the title of doctor.
Since childhood, Sephia has had a big dream of becoming a doctor. Her interest in medicine began when her parents provided her with medical simulation toys. This desire grew as she matured. Sephia decided to pursue the Science (IPA) track in high school to support her path into medicine. Encouragement from her family and her faith in God became a solid foundation for her persistence.
Educational Journey and Ambitions
Since 2012, Sephia has been a part of the YPMAK scholarship program sponsored by PT Freeport Indonesia. She underwent training at the Surya Institute for three months before continuing her education at Lokon Manado for junior and senior high school. In 2018, Sephia was accepted into the Faculty of Medicine at UKI to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor.
The start of her college education was a challenging adjustment for Sephia. She initially felt scared and unsure of her ability to become a doctor. However, with strong commitment and family support, Sephia was able to overcome these challenges. She also found enjoyable learning methods, such as discussing topics with friends and managing her study time effectively.
Graduating with a GPA of 3,57 in her medical professional program and taking the doctor’s oath today, January 10, 2025, at the Graha William Soeryadjaya (GWS) of UKI Faculty of Medicine in Jakarta, does not mean Sephia is hesitant to return to her hometown. On the contrary, she feels challenged to serve and return to her roots.
After taking the doctor’s oath, Sephia stated that she will participate in the internship program provided by the Ministry of Health to serve the communities as a young doctor in designated hospitals and public health centers. For Sephia, serving the community is one way she can contribute to become a blessing to others.
“After completing the internship, I want to return to Mimika, Papua, to directly contribute to the people of Papua through my role as a healthcare provider.” said Sephia.
“With its diverse geographical features ranging from mountains to the coastline, Mimika Regency faces a wide range of health issues. I believe that there is so much I can learn and contribute to the community to help improve the health standards of Mimika and Papua,” Sephia stated.
Co-Assistant Experience
While undergoing medical professional education in the co-ass program, Sephia gained invaluable knowledge from the specialist doctors who guided her. One of her most memorable experiences occurred during her major anesthesiology rotation. On her first day of the rotation, Sephia was asked to treat a patient with a perforated trachea.
"The patient was experiencing respiratory failure, so a laryngealtracheostomy procedure was necessary. With the guidance of the specialist, I performed the surgery to create an airway in the patient’s neck for a breathing tube. I am very grateful that the patient survived and that the supervising doctor believed I could perform the procedure well," said Sephia.
Outside of her busy schedule, Sephia was also actively involved in the Medical Assistance Team (TBM) at her campus from 2018 to 2020. She participated in various health-related activities such as accident management and surgical simulations, which gave her practical experience before entering theco-ass phase.
Although the workload during her major rotations was exhausting, especially with complex cases, Sephia kept her motivation and dream of becoming a doctor.
"I always hold on to my life motto: 'Life is hard, but we must try harder' and this has been my encouragement when facing difficult times," Sephia shared.
Message and Hope for the Future
After completing her education, Sephia plans to specialize in Internal Medicine. She also aspires to be a role model for other scholarship recipients and bring about positive changes in Mimika's healthcare system.
She also expressed her gratitude for the scholarship she received. In addition to easing the burden on her parents, this scholarship has opened great opportunities for her to pursue higher education until she earns her medical degree. Sephia also thanked PT Freeport Indonesia, YPMAK, Binterbusih Foundation, as well as her family and friends for their continuous support.
For Sephia, success is the ability to be responsible, disciplined, and prioritize the welfare of others. She encouraged the scholarship fighters and prospective medical students to remain grateful, enthusiastic, and build relationships.
Sephia believes that if not the sons and daughters of the region whostep up, then who else will bring change to the region?
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