Unifying Safety Strategy through FRESH Management System
29 April 2019
There is no job too important or too urgent that we don’t have time to plan and do it safely. Safe production require employees to ensure their own safety and that of others around them when performing their job according to determined standards and safety controls. This is why one of PTFI’s core value is Safety – work safely for yourself and everyone around the PTFI work area.
In an effort to manage Mining Safety within all PTFI Organizational Units, Occupational Health & Safety Division held a workshop called FRESH Management System Implementation Strategy. The purpose of the event that was held April 2, 2019 in the Highlands and April 4, 2019 in the Lowlands, was to unify the understanding and strategy of all organizational units in the company in implementing FRESH MS (Freeport Safety and Health Management System) in each work areas.
Some of the topics discussed included the establishment of the 2019 PTFI Mining Safety Objectives, Targets and Programs (OTP) in their respective areas and steps to integrate the Fatal Risk Management (FRM) program with HIRADC as part of FRESH MS.
The chosen safety practitioners from various organizational units who participated in this event are expected to become the “champions” to manage mining safety in their respective areas to reduce the number of accidents and to prevent fatalities.
FRESH Standards and Guidelines are the “backbone” that must be apply to manage FRESH MS and FRM. Operational risks resulting from HIRADC shall be controlled or mitigated by applying the requirements stipulated in FRESH Standards and Guidelines. Controlling the fatal risks through the FRM has been in line with the HIRADC process" said Hengky Rimbino, VP - Occupational Health & Safety. By applying a robust FRESH MS, initiated with a proper HIRADC process, the operational risks could be managed systematically and measurable to prevent from accidents at PTFI, he concluded.
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