Unwavering Commitment to Safety: 2023 Milestones and Safety Initiatives

09 February 2024

Over the years, we as a company has faced numerous challenges, but it has succeeded to overcome them and strive to improve our records including our work safety records.

Last year, we embarked on a full underground operation, which presented new challenges for the company. With the increase in underground activities, the interaction between mobile equipment and the workers in congested areas also increased. However, despite these challenges, the company was able to achieve a significant milestone in terms of safety.

In 2023, Freeport Indonesia recorded its lowest Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of 0.161 in the last five years. This achievement is a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to safety and its continuous efforts to improve the safety behavior of its team.

In 2023, Freeport Indonesia recorded its lowest TRIR of 0.161 in the last five years
In 2023, Freeport Indonesia recorded its lowest TRIR of 0.161 in the last five years
BK3N Closed
In 2023, Freeport Indonesia recorded its lowest TRIR of 0.161 in the last five years.
BK3N Closed
PTFI held Health & Safety Month in its operational area
BK3N Closed
Various Activities were presented during the two days of Safety Month Closing in Kuala Kencana
BK3N Closed
BK3N Closed
BK3N Closed
BK3N Closed

Over the years, we as a company has faced numerous challenges, but it has succeeded to overcome them and strive to improve our records including our work safety records.  .

In 2023, Freeport Indonesia recorded its lowest Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of 0.161 in the last five years. This achievement is a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to safety and its continuous efforts to improve the safety behavior of its team.



One of the key initiatives that Freeport Indonesia implemented to enhance safety through significant improvements in traffic management and mobile equipment interaction control. The company implemented stricter speed monitoring and control measures in both light vehicles (LVs) and buses, ensuring that the risks associated with vehicle operations were minimized.


This then became one of the focuses in supporting the Government's program in organizing the 2024 Occupational Safety and Health Month in PTFI work areas at the beginning of this year.


Last year, we embarked on a full underground operation, which presented new challenges for the company. With the increase in underground activities, the interaction between mobile equipment and the workers in congested areas also increased. Underground Division reduces the Light vehicle access to 26% to minimize LV incidents and moreover disciplinary action will be given for any violations. While Operation Maintenance implemented safety coaching and Stop the Work Program the work where employee will carefully asses the risk of a task before starting the work. The traffic Management system is also implemented throughout all areas for Supply Chain Management warehouses where the segregation of pedestrian, small and big equipment’s.

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