PeTa Community Helps Build School for Early Childhood Education in Biak
15 November 2018
The village of Kampung Diano in Warsa District, North Biak, now has a school for early childhood education thanks to support from PeTa Care – a group comprised of PTFI female employees - dedicated to the education, health and well-being of children.
Members of PeTa (Perempuan Tanah or Women of the Land) and Tongoi Papua, the parent organization, recently attended the Airama PAUD School’s opening ceremony led by Biak Numfor Regency Third Assistant Secretary Frengky Alameki. Also in attendance were PTFI’s Achmad Didi Ardianto, Director-Executive Vice President-Human Resources and Security, and Frans Pigome, Vice President-Papuan Affairs Division, who received a warm welcome and participated in a customary Biak procession.
“We hope this early childhood education facility will pave the way for children to pursue their studies in good schools, to earn a university degree, to be gainfully employed, and to become leaders and role models for society,” Ardianto said at the ceremony.
“Education must begin in early childhood, in the spirit of the lyrics of our national anthem, Indonesia Raya, to build our souls and our bodies. We are building not just structures but the minds and souls of future generations. Hopefully this will become a model for other early childhood education centers in Biak Numfor Regency and Papua Province.”
The Airama PAUD School building is located on North Biak’s beautiful coastline and is equipped with a teacher room, classroom for 24 students, storage room and restroom. The school also has a playground with a wide range of equipment to support students’ physical, emotional and social development.
“This PAUD School is of great value for us, as we constantly hear about the importance of bringing about an intelligent nation and the role education plays in eradicating ignorance,” said Kampung Diano village chief Thonce Karma.
“This facility will serve to prepare our children to compete in the future. We don’t know how to repay these women, these PTFI employees. We can only thank them, and pray their benevolence will be rewarded by God.”
Biak Numfor Regency has close ties with PTFI in Papua, with many Biak natives employed at PT Bechtel Pomeroy, a contractor company who has worked on infrastructure projects at Jobsite since the start of the company’s mining operations. Bechtel helped to build the 120-kilometer access road stretching from the seaport to the mine across very rough terrain.
In addition to attending the PAUD School opening ceremony, PeTa and Tongoi Papua carried out social service activities for women, which included providing training for yam and fish-ball cottage industries as well as reproductive health information and screenings. (Gasper Muabuay)
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