Synergy Between BNNP Papua and PTFI to Create a Drug-Free Work Area

07 February 2024

The Head of the Papua Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) recently made a work visit to PT Freeport Indonesia on Thursday, January 26, 2024. This visit was aimed for coordination and synergy for the Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics (P4GN) in the PTFI operational area.

"The BNN program, namely BERSINAR or "Bersih Dari Narkoba or Clean from Drugs" in the PTFI work environment, is a collaboration between BNNP Papua, BNNK (Mimika Regency), Mimika Police Narcotics Unit and PTFI Management," said the Head of BNNP Papua, Brigadier General Pol. Norman Widjajadi, S.I.K. He hopes that this collaboration between BNN & PTFI can continue to be improved further.

Kunjungan Kepala BNN Provinsi Papua ke Tambang Terbuka Grasberg.
Visit of the Head of the Papua Province BNN to Grasberg Surface Mine.
Pemberian souvenir kepada Direktur Reserse Narkoba Polda Papua, Kombes Pol. Alfian.
Providing souvenirs to the Director of Drug Investigation at the Papua Regional Police, Police Commissioner
Kepala BNNP Papua Bersama Kapolsek Tembagapura & Sr. Officer Internal Affairs & Investigation, Afriz
Head of BNNP Papua With Kapolsek Tembagapura & Sr. Officer Internal Affairs & Investigation, Afrizon.
Kepala BNNP Papua Bersama Kapolsek Tembagapura & Sr. Officer Internal Affairs & Investigation, Afriz
Kepala BNNP Papua Bersama Kapolsek Tembagapura & Sr. Officer Internal Affairs & Investigation, Afriz
Kepala BNNP Papua Bersama Kapolsek Tembagapura & Sr. Officer Internal Affairs & Investigation, Afriz

The BERSINAR program also supports PTFI's policy of having Zero Tolerance towards narcotics. Apart from being a criminal act according to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, this act is also a violation of Article 29.24 of the PTFI Industrial Relations Guidelines 2022-2024.

To strengthen anti-drug measures in the company area, one of the steps taken is implementing Narcotics Test Policies and Procedures in PT Freeport Indonesia Work Areas SOP-4.02-PTFI-001. These Policies and Procedures apply to PTFI employees and all contractor companies including guests in the PTFI Work Area, as well as employee candidates.

Accompanied by Police Commissioner Alfian, as Director of Narcotics Research at the Papua Police, the BNNP group also visited the Grasberg open pit mining area.

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