Certified Water Samplers Ensure Water Quality at Jobsite

20 September 2019

The company is helping 61 PT Freeport Indonesia employees complete the National Professional Certification Agency water sampler course as complies with a new government regulation requiring anyone sampling water be certified.

“We will have water sampler technicians who are certified by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP),” PTFI Technical Mine Manager Zulkifli Lambali said when recently launching the Water Test Sampling Certification course (9/16-20) at the Leadership Academy Building Bukit Barat.

The newest Ministry of Environment and Forestry act number P.3 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1/2/2018, requires personnel involved in water sampling be competent and certified as a water sampler.

This will help ensure water meets the standard set by the Indonesian Government in the Regulation of the Health Minister Number 492 of 2010 on drinking water. It also reinforces the company’s commitment to reduce plastic waste by reducing the consumption of water in disposable plastic bottles in Jobsite.

The 61 participants must pass a series of tests. The first is the portfolio test to ensure their educational background and daily tasks as water sampler meet the requirements to continue on to the second stage, which is a written test.

Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification
Water Sampler Certification

If both stages are completed, the participant can take the final test, which is a practical test. The assessment team from the Indonesian Environmental Professional Certification Institute will test their understanding and that their actual water sampling technique as done in the field is according to the national standards.

"This certification is a serious matter,” said Nurul Jannah, an LSP-PHI assessor. "Each participant must sign a statement promising to carry out their obligations to the best of their abilities," she added.

There are approximately 29,000 people throughout the Jobsite area relying on these technicians to provide accurate and honest water sampling test results.

“The latest data recorded PTFI had high contribution of plastic waste, around 4.2 million plastic bottle waste per year,” Zulkifli said. “By providing potable water, PTFI has succeeded in reducing 90 percent of that contribution.”


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